The codes for televisions with a Sharp universal remote control are two digits. Three-digit codes for most Sharp universal programmable remotes: 111812 NOTE. What are some sharp remote control codes?

Reassign configuration code 11256, which should assign input 00058 and verify that the enter key works. I recommend trying to reset the 980 mentioned above to return the remote to its default settings. The default entry number on most Toshiba TVs is 00058 and is programmed as 11256.
How to get codes from the universal remote control Sansui TV First turn on the device Press and hold the setup button Enter the code 991 (three digits) Now hold the power button on the remote and press the channel up until the device running on your TV turned off. Sharp universal TV remote control (5 digits). What are sharp universal remote control codes? These codes can also be used to configure a universal remote control for Sharp TV.